IPhO News

Advice from an Incoming Novartis Fellow: Madison Trauger

December 27, 2021


My name is Madison Trauger and I am a fourth year PharmD/MBA student at Wilkes University. I recently accepted a post-graduate fellowship position in Medical Affairs Medical Information/Regulatory Advertising & Promotion at Novartis in conjunction with Rutgers University (RPIF).

What did you learn as you went through the interview process?
As I continued through the interview process, I learned a lot about myself and what I was looking for in a company and fellowship. I used the interviews to ask questions about the positions to evaluate the opportunities I would have during my time there. It started to become very clear to me what experiences were important for me to have, helping me narrow down to my top programs. Additionally, it is important to see how your personality fits with those you meet. Every interview made me more comfortable and helped me prepare for the next.

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