Industry Pharmacist Success Stories

An Interview with Danielle Wiley, PharmD

April 22, 2021

Danielle Wiley, PharmD

Danielle Wiley, PharmD
Senior Medical Science Liaison
Neurocrine Biosciences
Alma Mater: Texas Southern University

How important do you feel a mentor-mentee relationship is for student pharmacists and when is the right time for them to seek an industry mentor?
I think mentorship is really important because you don't know what you don't know. As a student, you don't know what opportunities are out there or you may not know what behaviors are needed in a particular setting. When you're a student, you think as a student. As you move through any professional program, it's important to align yourself with people who have done what you're trying to do or what you are trying to accomplish. I think you should get a mentor as soon as you enter college and even before. You can have mentors in high school, it is never too early. I think that's something that needs to be developed as early as possible. It doesn't matter if you are a Pre-Pharm, Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, or anything else. Those mentors can help guide you. It is also important to note that it is okay to have more than one mentor. Get someone to serve the different areas in your life that you want to pursue.

The key is when you see people doing what you want to do or behaving in a manner that you admire or enjoy, don't be afraid to ask for help. Do not be afraid for someone to say no. Not everyone can be a mentor and/or has the time for it, but it is still important to try. If you are told no, simply seek someone else.

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About the Author
Matthew Otule
Matthew is a Class of 2023 student at Texas Southern University and has a growing passion for research that will make a difference for diabetes patients. He is actively involved in efforts to prevent Type 2 Diabetes, specifically, and is excited for the opportunity to create innovative solutions through the pharmaceutical industry.