Fellowship Central

Purdue University Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship

September 14, 2020

The Purdue University Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship program is seeking motivated students who are interested in pharmaceutical industry and expanding the role of pharmacists within the sector. Coordinators at Purdue University and Fellows from several companies will be hosting two (2) Webinar sessions on the dates listed below:

Thursday, October 1st @ 8:00 PM EST Link (copy and paste) to webinar: https://tinyurl.com/y5zb3xvc

Tuesday, October 20th @ 6:00 PM EST Link (copy and paste) to webinar: https://tinyurl.com/yxlkqf6o

Students interested shall indicate their preferred dates of attendance using this Interest Form (link provided to copy and paste): https://forms.gle/DCkajNHEh84fHH2r9

If there are any questions regarding the Webinar dates or Purdue University affiliated-fellowships, please email Andrew Lee, current Clinical Operations Fellow at Takeda, at andrew.lee3@takeda.com.

Thank you.

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