Fellowship Central
Fellowship Q & A Webinars – SAVE THE DATE! Are you interested in learning about the fellowships and graduate programs offered at UNC? We are thrilled to bring you our first two virtual recruitment events of the season: our information and Q & A webinars! The first informational webinar on October 1, led by our fellowship directors and current fellows, will provide an overview of all positions recruiting for 2021 and how to apply. The Q & A session on October 6 will allow you to ask questions directed to our program directors for the first 10-15 minutes followed by Q & A hosted by our current first- and second-year fellows in various fellowship positions over the remainder of the hour. On both dates, the fellowship webinar series will begin at 8PM EST, followed by graduate program webinars at 9PM EST. Register here. The Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics offers several two-year, industry-sponsored postdoctoral fellowships, as well as academic fellowships. Fellows gain extensive training and experience in developing, writing, managing, and enrolling patients in clinical studies, as well as scientific and grant writing, publications, and presentation skills. In addition, during the first year of their fellowships, fellows will take coursework related to their training program including, but not limited to, biostatistics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacogenomics. To Apply Visit http://pharmacydpetfellowships.web.unc.edu/ for instructions on submitting an application. Application Opened: September 8, 2020 Application Deadlines: Early Consideration: October 30, 2020 Final: December 15, 2020 After you apply, you will receive a confirmation email once your application has been submitted. Following review, you may be invited to interview at UNC and fellowship sponsors. Fellowship interviews begin in early December and typically conclude in January. You will be notified of the final disposition of your application as soon as possible.
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