IPhO News

Five IPhO Fellowship Partnerships for 2020-21!

July 27, 2020

IPhO is pleased to announce five fellowship partnerships for 2020-21! For the programs listed below, IPhO is a full partner in both recruiting and program administration. Candidates were identified through the 5,000+ National Student Network with nearly 90 chapters, and all recruiting was successfully accomplished through the IPhO FellowMatch service.

These IPhO fellows will be leaders within the National Fellows Council, and they are involved with national IPhO leadership. The group got together for a "virtual meet and greet" earlier this summer and enjoyed a fun evening of networking!


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About the Author
Melissa Rodenbach
Melissa Rodenbach serves as the Director, Marketing and Communications for IPhO. Among other marketing roles, Melissa previously worked with the Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program, where she helped establish the brand's social media presence and email marketing strategy to engage and connect current and prospective fellows.