Most industry pharmacists and pharmacy students will read the title of this column and think, "will this topic have any relevance to me?" The answer is yes, and here is why! Trust is not only a signature goal of every healthcare provider but also of every type of healthcare organization, including hospitals, health plans, and pharmaceutical companies who need to communicate that they are indeed trustworthy. One way these organizations can gain trust is to hire trustworthy professionals. Our pharmacy education, license to practice, and reputation provides added value to our employers who significantly benefit when their core customers, prescribers, and patients believe in the trustworthiness of the company and its employees. It’s just one more reason that supports The Indispensable Value of Industry Pharmacists
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Frank Vitiello
Frank Vitiello is a registered pharmacist and has a Masters degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing from St. John's University. He has 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to a background in sales and operations, Frank is noted for his strength in leadership development. He is a certified trainer for several Franklin Covey workshops on leadership and effectiveness. Frank will provide a regular column reviewing leadership books that will help you heighten your skills within the pharmaceutical industry.
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