IPhO News

The Struggle (of Obtaining an Internship) is Real

February 20, 2019

InternshipWhen I started applying to pharmaceutical industry internships, it was like shooting darts in the dark. Knowing how difficult it was to obtain an internship, I attempted to present my best self in my applications by having my school's career center look over my resume and letters of intent. I also applied to internships as soon as I found them.

I faced many rejections before I received even one email to request an interview, and then even more rejections after the interviews I did get. I accepted any interview I could because I knew that any experience was valuable, especially when I was just starting out. In my personal experience, either a recruiter reached out for a preliminary phone call to discuss my resume and get to know me a bit before setting up an interview with the hiring manager, or the hiring manager contacted me directly. The number of interviews for each company varied from one to three.

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