IPhO News

IPhO-Albany Chapter Hosts Fellowship Information and Networking Event (FINE)

November 9, 2016

On November 4, IPhO-Albany held its inaugural Fellowship Networking Event on its Albany, NY campus. The event was a great success as students from each professional year of the PharmD program attended ito learn more about carreer opportunities and fellowships for PharmDs in the pharmaceutical industry. IPhO Founder Dr. Jim Alexander was the keynote speaker for the event. He discussed the importance of leadership experience and networking in preparation for applying for competitive fellowships, and also highlighted non-fellowship career pathways to enter the pharmaceutical industry.


The event also featured a fellowship panel consisting of current fellows from the MCPHS and Rutgers programs. Students were able to interact with the fellows in a small-group roundtable format. Each fellow brought a unique perspective to the discussion based on their experiences working within the functional area of their individual fellowships. IPhO-Albany would like to thank everyone involved in contributing to the success of this event and we look forward to hosting it again in the Fall of 2017.

Authored by Venkatesh Satram, IPhO Student National Officer and Class of 2017, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

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