IPhO News
On November 10, 2015, IPhO and the "Pharmacists at Bayer" (PhAB) group from Bayer Healthcare hosted an event entitled "Human Capital: Shaping the Future of Industry," at Bayer Healthcare Headquarters in Whippany, NJ.
About 100 industry pharmacists from 25 different companies in the NJ/NY/CT/PA area participated in this inaugural event.
Highlights included a "speed networking" session and a panel discussion about how talent acquisition and management strategies are shaping the future of industry, and what this means for industry pharmacists. Moderated by IPhO Executive Director James Alexander, the panel was comprised of industry experts from Human Resources, Executive Search, and Senior Management including Naina Dhingra, Associate Principal for McKinsey & Company, Mark Durham, Managing Partner at Strawn Arnold, and Todd Paporello, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at Bayer.
IPhO was pleased to collaborate with PhAB to present the event, and the participants expressed their appreciation to Bayer for their hospitality and generosity!
Stay tuned for future IPhO events. Next up is the December 5 event in New Orleans for Industry Fellows: How to Land a Full-Time Job Post-Fellowship.
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