Pursuing an Industry Fellowship: Applying for Post-PharmD Fellowships
A Downloadable Digital Guide by Kimberly Le, PharmD, MS, MBA and James Alexander, PharmD
Important Notice
Please note that the Fellowship recruitment cycle is continuously evolving. This book contains highly valuable information, but we recommend that you also closely follow developments on Fellowship Central and updates from individual programs to help guide your journey through the Fellowship application cycle. This book does not contain information on application timelines and due dates! Please attend the IPhO Annual Meeting for specific updates on various Fellowship program application processes and timing. They are all different!
This comprehensive digital book will help you navigate the Fellowship application process, no matter what stage you're in. You’ll get interviewing tips, a roadmap for success starting from the beginning of pharmacy school, and much more. Plus, get real-world examples shared by fellows and preceptors. Unlock the mystery of landing a Fellowship in an increasingly competitive environment, position yourself as an ideal candidate, and stand out in the applicant pool.
About the Authors
Read more about the experienced authors. They share their wealth of fellowship and industry expertise and provide practical advice on what employers are looking for.
Read the Preface
Read the Preface by IPhO Executive Director James Alexander, PharmD and view the table of contents.
The eBook will be available for digital download only. No hard copies will be sent.
"I purchased the book and it's such a valuable resource to help those who are trying to pursue industry careers after school. I wished I had purchased it sooner!"
"I found the book to be very helpful. I wish that I purchased it earlier on in pharmacy school!"
"I referred back to the book several times throughout the interview process at Midyear and in preparation for on-site interviews."
"I got a fellowship and I highly recommend the book to all student pharmacists interested in industry."
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